Cats UK tour in Bournemouth.
Where: Bournemouth Pavillion theathre - UKWhen: 15th (evening) and 16th (Matinee and Evening) of august 2014.
Grade: MVG (What else could you give to an magical once in a lifetime experience?)
This review will be in english due to that the show was in UK.
The three show I had the past days was really more than I could ever dreamed of and I am really gratefull to every one involved in giving me this magical experience. So I would like to start with thanking you all and specially the wonderfull Company Manager Adam Havoc and Clare Richard who was Jellylorum and Lady Griddlebone for making me feel so special and blessed. I wish I could hug you all!
There was a couple of very special "once in a lifetime" events for me and the most important is the photo with the amazing Lady Griddlebone (Clare) of whom I am really, really, really happy to have. Afterall she has been my favorite (apart from my loved Coricopat) cat since I first saw Cats in Stockholm and Linda Holmgrens wonderfull version of her. But since she change after her (Growltiger) number she has been all but impossible to get a photo with her so I feel really blessed to have that one now and even more since its talks about changes in Growltiger number in the upcoming Palladium production. So a HUGE thank you to Clare!
The second moment was the photo I had of Tantomille, Demeter, Bombularina, Young Gus (Asparagus) and Alonzo. Was a really breathtaking moment that was amazing to have and I feel really lucky that so many took time from theyre intervall break to take a picture with me. Given that I have a very close relationship with Coricopat it was great to have Tantomille there, and to have the wonderfull pair of Demeter and Bombalurina on either side was thruly amazing specially since Demeter has been high up in my favorite list ever since Lisette Pagler played here so great in Stockholm and Bombalurina is Demeters best friend and a cat whom I kinda admire from a distance, shes like a superstar to me. Also Young Gus was great since I do love the Gus and Growltiger number that he is the star in and he is the natural partner to my beloved Lady Griddlebone. Alonzo is also a wonderfull cat and even more since he plays the amazing Rumpuscat, whom in sweden is more known as "Slim Slagsmålskatt". So a huge thank you to all involved and to Adam for arranging the photo! Love you all!
The third moment that was really special for me was when another cat I admire from a distance, Cassandra, come up to and wanted to be peted during Macavity at the first show. Thing is that I have seen her lying down in the aisles during more than one show and I have always had admired her when I saw her in the past so it was a really wonderfull moment for me that I cant thank her actor enough for.
I had many more moments but the last thing that I am thruly gratefull is that Clares Lady Griddlebone took the time to come and visit and interact me during here entreance in all the three shows. She even talked to me (as in really saying "Hi there, what tribe are you from?") and that made me feel really special and superhappy. Jellylorum (whom plays Griddlebone) and Gus also come to visit me after the Growtliger number at all three shows and that was amazing to.
I dont want to do this superlong and I cant describe all the wonderfull experiences I had that made me walk on a cloud today, but I have to end this with the handshake that Rum Tum Tugger gave me during his number at the first show, he is really an amazing character that I had to confess that I admire a bit even thou I am not in his screaming kitten group!
A HUGE thankyou to all involved. I had a real blast and a once in a lifetime experience!
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